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Treasured Passages[Browse other products in this catalog]One Little MailboxAge Range14m - 3yPrice$36.00Phone800.590.1633Introduction2014TypesActivity Product, Creative Product, Cultural, Socially Responsible

One Little Mailbox is not like most toys. It is a memory that you make with your child, an experience in love and a tradition that they will cherish for a lifetime.

The One Little Mailbox set includes a book in which we meet Sam who receives a mailbox from the Treasure Fairy. The fairy leaves Sam messages and treasures and his family uses the mailbox to leave sweet surprises and encouraging cards.

It’s Easy to Use…

Read the story that is included to your child.

Shhh…secretly place the mailbox outside their room while they sleep.

Start leaving notes and treasures from all family members and the magical Treasure Fairy.

One Little Mailbox includes: mailbox, storybook, 10 birthday cards, 4 encouragement tags and 15 keepsake cards to be completed by grandparents, parents and siblings. The keepsake cards have prompts like "One of my favorite memories with you is..." The child fills out one side and the family member the other. You can write the child's answer if they are too young.

Once your child is grown, tuck all of their letters, treasures and birthday cards back into the mailbox and hand it over to them as a keepsake so they can begin the tradition again with their own child.

Recommended for children ages 3 and up.